"A vos côtés" service

A vos côtés

"A vos côtés" service

As part of its social plan, the City of Luxembourg has set up the "At your side" service to respond to the feeling of insecurity expressed by the inhabitants of various districts of Luxembourg City.

The teams are present in the streets of the Gare, Ville-Haute and Bonnevoie districts. 

Identified by their green "A vos côtés" outfits, they move through the streets or take up positions in more or less frequented areas and use mediation, non-violent communication and discussion techniques to ease tensions in the neighbourhood.

This service is very much appreciated by shopkeepers (accompanying staff to the station when the shop is closed, to the bank, etc.) and it complements the social work of the street workers who accompany the homeless but also that of the police.


A vos côtés Gare 

21, rue de Strasbourg 

26 29 61 28

A vos côtés Ville-Haute

36–38, Grand Rue Galerie Centre Brasseur

621 614 729

A vos côtés Bonnevoie

1, rue des Gaulois

621 46 08 06 

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