• How can I make an appointment with the UCVL?

    To request an appointment, please call us on (+352) 22 62 60 or email us at info@cityshopping.lu.

  • How can I join the UCVL?

    You can find all the information about the UCVL's services under "Join the UCVL". There, you will also find a membership form, which can be submitted either by email to info@cityshopping.lu or by post to the following address:

    Union Commerciale de la Ville de Luxembourg
    1, rue Philippe II
    L-2340 Luxembourg

  • The details you hold for my business are incorrect. How can I amend them?

    Enter your login details, click on "Sign in", and amend the details we display publicly for your business.

  • Who should I contact if I have a problem with my login details?

    For your public data

    • Forgotten your password? You can reset it here
    • For any other questions, please send an email to the DEC helpdesk: dec@vdl.lu

    For your UCVL data 

  • Who should I contact to take part in the Braderie?

    Feel free to contact the UCVL by sending an email to info@cityshopping.lu or calling +352 22 62 60.