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You will need a different sign-in form depending on what you want to do.

Manage my business profile

For all shop owners, whether or not they are a UCVL member.


commerce.hotcity.lu is managed by the City of Luxembourg, in partnership with the UCVL. The publicly available details of your business profile are stored on this platform for the purpose of enhancing the visibility of your business. As such, your details will be displayed here on Cityshopping, but also on the City's own media channels, e.g. the "cityapp – VDL" app, its social media pages, and City magazine.

Manage my UCVL membership

Only for shop owners
who are UCVL members.

Not signed up yet?

Do you want to advertise your business on Cityshopping and, more widely, on the City of Luxembourg's media channels? Create an account on commerce.hotcity.lu


Get personalised support and made-to-measure services from the UCVL, the Luxembourg City Business Association.

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